GFWC Four Corners Woman's Club
GFWC Four Corner’s Woman’s Club is a nonprofit organization whose members provide volunteer service to our local community.
Our members work locally to create change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging civic involvement, and working toward world peace and understanding.
Our primary purpose is to carry out charitable service programs, provide leadership opportunities, and enrich the lives of its members through personal growth.
You might know us from our public art project We Let The Dawgs Out, where we turned Athens into an outdoor museum with over 100 painted fiberglass bulldawgs.
Just some of the projects we have participated in this past year - supporting Nancy Travis Childcare Project with the Over the Top fundraiser, held a Don’t Text and Drive event with a driving simulators at an UGA Ice Dawgs game, served as Partners in Education to Howard Stroud Elementary School, crocheted hats for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments, collected much needed items for Project Safe, taught school children to Bee A Buckler, and read to the school children as we celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday on Read Across America day.
GFWC Georgia is a proud member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs ( The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is a nonprofit organization that brings together local women’s clubs in a collective effort to strengthen communities and enhance the lives of others through volunteer service. With 100,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
By joining us, you will have the opportunity to work with other women to improve the social, cultural and physical needs in your city or town. In so doing, you will meet and make new friends, expand your knowledge of the needs in your community, and become a better citizen of your community. Through membership in GFWC Georgia, you will grow as a person in leadership and bring new interests into your home.
We truly believe much more can be accomplished when there are many working together in the same interest and belief than when trying to act as an individual.
If you are interested in learning more about our organization, please contact us today!